The Good Day/Bad Day Trap (for parents & caregivers)

Sign up to view a short lesson on why asking your child's teacher if it was a good day/bad day is not helpful and what to ask instead.

FORMAT: FREE video lesson
TIME: 7:13 min.

The Good Day/Bad Day Trap (for parents & caregivers) 

Instructors: Jenny Barrett and Dr. Anne Townsend


Description:  Are you a parent or caregiver who often asks, "Did they have a good day or a bad day?" when picking up a child after school, camp, or daycare? While this question seems simple and well-meaning, it might not be as helpful as you think.

In this engaging video lesson, you’ll discover why this common habit can fall short and how it may even negatively impact a child’s behavior. More importantly, you’ll gain practical, research-backed strategies to foster deeper, more meaningful communication with children—allowing you to better understand and support them at home or in the classroom.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The common "good day/bad day" trap and why it’s so easy to fall into.
  • The unintended effects this question can have on a child’s behavior and emotional well-being.
  • Proven alternatives to help you connect, communicate, and encourage open dialogue with children and their teachers. 

What’s Included:

  • One FREE video lesson delivered straight to your inbox!