Cultivating Compassion: The Essence of Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Education

Social Emotional Learning in a School Setting

In the vital world of early childhood education, where every moment is full, and every interaction is a lesson, there exists a profound duty to nurture not just academic and cognitive skills, but social emotional skills as well. As educators, we understand the immense significance of social-emotional learning (SEL) in shaping the holistic development of children. From preschool to elementary levels, fostering SEL skills lays a critical  foundation for a lifetime of flourishing. Let's delve into why SEL is the foundation  of our educational journey and how it impacts every aspect of a child's growth.

Unpacking Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood

Social-emotional learning is the cornerstone of a child's emotional intelligence. It encompasses a spectrum of skills that empower individuals to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy, build meaningful relationships, and make responsible decisions. In the context of early childhood education, these skills are the bedrock upon which academic success, positive behavior, and overall well-being are built. From navigating conflicts on the playground to persevering in the face of a challenge,  SEL equips children with invaluable tools for navigating life's twists and turns.

The Significance of SEL in Schools

Research unequivocally underscores the transformative power of SEL in academic and social outcomes. Students who are exposed to SEL demonstrate higher academic achievement, improved behavior, and enhanced interpersonal skills. In an era where collaboration, adaptability, and empathy reign supreme, nurturing these skills from an early age is not just advantageous but essential. By prioritizing SEL in schools, we not only prepare children for academic excellence but also empower them to become compassionate and resilient citizens of the world.

SEL in Action: Preschool and Kindergarten

For educators in preschool and kindergarten settings, every moment is an opportunity for SEL. It is here, amidst the giggles and curiosity, that children form their first teacher student relationships along with peer relationships, through which SEL occurs. Through each interaction with children in play, during instruction, and when conflicts occur, educators can create nurturing environments where SEL blossoms with skilled adult facilitation. Because, it turns out that the relationship between the child and an emotionally skilled adult IS the mechanism by which children develop social emotional skills.  And there are predictable behaviors and skills that these adults display. Just as children will repeat conflictual relationships with adults, they also will repeat healthy relationships. In other words, when teachers are skilled and create a quality relationship between the adult and child, the child is more likely to have a positive relationship with others, including their future teachers. 

Navigating SEL in Elementary School

As children progress into elementary school, their social landscapes broaden, presenting new opportunities and challenges. SEL remains a critical need, steering them through the complexities of peer dynamics, academic pressures, and self-discovery. And once, again, if the child has experienced conflictual relationships with teachers in the past, they will likely repeat these patterns and often meet with a cascade of punitive measures.  And yet, the teacher who has the emotional  skills to respond to and interact with a child  can significantly impact their trajectory helping this child to build social emotional skills through their relationship. By weaving SEL into the fabric of education, we empower children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.


Dr. Anne Townsend has been working with teachers and early childhood educators for over 20 years. She is the President and Chief Academic Officer of Mariposa Education and a nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the lives of children. LinkedIN Profile.

Jenny Barrett has over 30 years of early childhood education experience as a special educator and an administrator. She is the Lead Instructor at Mariposa Education. LinkedIN Profile.

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